Ear Implants for Hearing Loss
My Options: Ear Implants for Hearing Loss For most people, hearing aids are a very effective way to manage hearing loss. Modern hearing aids can amplify sound in a natural and comfortable way. However, some people have more complex needs or severe hearing loss than a hearing aid can address. For these people, ear implants for hearing loss may be a solution. Implants require surgeries and can sometimes impact any residual hearing, so are not without risks. For this reason, in most cases, implants are reserved only for those who have tried hearing aids and have not, or no longer, receive adequate benefit. There are many different types of implants that can address different hearing or medical issues. Even within the types of implants, there are different styles, colours and options. Your audiologist can guide you through which implant may be appropriate and the many options available. Ear Implants for Hearing Loss 1. Cochlear implants One of the most common ear implants to tre...